Friday - June 8th
Well, today was my first full day of being a volunteer, and it certainly was a long one! I've been waking up around 7.00am every morning, just to ensure that I'll be up, ready, and fed before morning prayer at 8.30am. Started my morning off with some peanut butter and pineapple jam toast, fresh pineapple, and pear juice - I feel like I could easily get used to the food here in Jinja. This morning in preschool we got our assignments, I'll be working with Tina (the teacher) who takes care of the 4-5 year olds. Today we practiced addition and learned how to color in the lines. It absolutely amazes me that these children are so innocent - everything they learn is from us. They're so impressionable at this age, and I feel so honored to be able to help shape them into the amazing Christians they were born to be. Every time I look at them, I fall even more in love with each of them. When you have 5 beautiful children reaching up to you, grabbing your hands, holding onto your skirt, and calling you Auntie - is probably one of the best feelings I've ever felt. I just can't get over how beautiful each of them are, and how their personalities are so different from one another. During play time today I brought out my camera, and they absolutely loved it. I let Sylus sit on my lap and press the shutter button a couple of times which made him very excited. Everytime I took a photo of a boy, they immediately wanted to see it! And once they did, they proceeded to yell out the name of the baby that was in it - cutest thing ever. Play time is probably one of my favorite parts of my life at the moment; here's a few reasons why! (:
Well, today was my first full day of being a volunteer, and it certainly was a long one! I've been waking up around 7.00am every morning, just to ensure that I'll be up, ready, and fed before morning prayer at 8.30am. Started my morning off with some peanut butter and pineapple jam toast, fresh pineapple, and pear juice - I feel like I could easily get used to the food here in Jinja. This morning in preschool we got our assignments, I'll be working with Tina (the teacher) who takes care of the 4-5 year olds. Today we practiced addition and learned how to color in the lines. It absolutely amazes me that these children are so innocent - everything they learn is from us. They're so impressionable at this age, and I feel so honored to be able to help shape them into the amazing Christians they were born to be. Every time I look at them, I fall even more in love with each of them. When you have 5 beautiful children reaching up to you, grabbing your hands, holding onto your skirt, and calling you Auntie - is probably one of the best feelings I've ever felt. I just can't get over how beautiful each of them are, and how their personalities are so different from one another. During play time today I brought out my camera, and they absolutely loved it. I let Sylus sit on my lap and press the shutter button a couple of times which made him very excited. Everytime I took a photo of a boy, they immediately wanted to see it! And once they did, they proceeded to yell out the name of the baby that was in it - cutest thing ever. Play time is probably one of my favorite parts of my life at the moment; here's a few reasons why! (:
(@ Amani - Brian)
(@ Amani - Charlie)

(@ Amani - Malachi)
(@ Amani - Henry)
For lunch I had rice, beans, spaghetti, cabbage, and eggplant. However, the eggplant is not the normal kind we have at home - it's a lot more bitter. And I thought I would be a smart-alec and eat Becky's like it was no big deal.. that was a horrible decision! Overall though, I'm really love the food, despite how simple it is. And it hasn't made me sick yet - Praise God! I had another orange Fanta today - it was even better than the one I had yesterday. It temporarily stormed today, just enough to make the kids have to stay inside for the afternoon play session. We watched Bambi, and I had a total of around 6 boys wanting to sit on my lap, or hold my hand. It seems I'm a popular commodity here at Amani (: Then the boys had dinner, and finally.. it was time for bed. I was the only volunteer in there, and I'd only helped put them to bed once before - so needless to say, I was quite clueless as to what needed to be done. After a few minutes of stress, I told the Mama I was struggling and needed her help - she laughed a little and said okay, and helped me get them all in their jammies and brush their teeth. Once they were all in bed, I read them all a story - Day for Dinosaurs. Once that was all done with, I came upstairs to grab some grub. I ended up making a sandwich, but it was one of our volunteers last day (she's been here for 6 months), so everyone wanted to go out to eat. We went into town for rolex's - which are basically a breakfast burrito. It was good, I thought it could have used some sour cream though. After we got our rolex's, the 9 of us went to The Keep which is a local cafe to grab some smoothies and milkshakes. I tried the Mango smoothie, it was way too sweet and there was pulp due to the fresh mangoes. I hate pulp. But it was a really fun time getting away and just getting to know the other volunteers. There's a few other girls that will be here through August, so that's nice! Once we got home, I skyped with Jeremy, and now here I am. It's currently half past midnight, and I'm pooped. Tomorrow is my day off, I'm hoping to go into town to get some more photos. I haven't really been able to just explore yet, so I'm quite looking forward to that. Even though it's my day off, I feel I'm going to want to give my boys a visit. I miss them when I'm just upstairs. It's crazy how much I've fallen in love.
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