Let's just say that I'm ready for Tina to come back to preschool. I feel like the children are a little distracted just from this last week being a little out of whack. Not only from preschool, but even the bonfire night, and all of the visitors coming and going. After class, I think all I did was folded clothes - woo. Playtime was very laid back, I played with Matthew for a while. He's one of the older boys at Amani, I kind of feel like he doesn't get a ton of attention due to the fact he's older. And he's kind of a bully among the children. But, I felt compelled to spend my time with him that afternoon, but here's some photos from playtime throughout the day:
(@ Amani - Matthew)

(@ Amani - Malachi)
(@ Amani - Silas)
To be completely honest, I don't remember a lot of the details of what happen this day. But later that night, everyone at Amani went out to Surjio's for pizzas. We got around 9 volunteers from Canada, so I think we were mainly going out for them. Megan N and I sat next to each other, which was quiet the experience. Whenever she freaks out - I freak out. And the amount of moths flying around her at the table definitely were freaking her out, so almost every time she jumped.. I jumped too. I bet a lot of people would consider us annoying from time to time, but I absolutely love her. She's also from Chicago, so she's very close to home - we've already been making plans for winter break (Jeremy, we're going ice skating by the Bean, just so you know). After dinner, we all headed back to the compound, and every one kind of split up and did their own things. Earlier that day, Megan and I had found a DVD with a few Disney movies on it, so we decided to watch Mulan later that night. Which is exactly what we did after Surjio's. I've never really been a fan of Mulan, but I think I appreciate it a little more. Then finally, it was time for bed.
Saturday - June 23rd
I slept in today! Until 10.30am I believe. Seven of the volunteers went white water rafting on the Nile River today - so, there was only Megan H and myself in the house. As fun as rafting sounded, I was a little scared - not going to lie, and I also wasn't excited about it enough to pay $125. Instead, Megan and I went shopping. She finished all of her shopping, I have not. I absolutely love being in Jinja, seriously:
Saturday - June 23rd
I slept in today! Until 10.30am I believe. Seven of the volunteers went white water rafting on the Nile River today - so, there was only Megan H and myself in the house. As fun as rafting sounded, I was a little scared - not going to lie, and I also wasn't excited about it enough to pay $125. Instead, Megan and I went shopping. She finished all of her shopping, I have not. I absolutely love being in Jinja, seriously:
(@ Jinja)
However, I have 8 weeks left, so I'm okay. But we ended up having a good
talk at The Source over a soda. She's a wonderful person, and I'm super
excited for her wedding this August! After shopping and chatting, we
headed back to Amani. The internet was not working ALL day, so we ended
up taking a walk down to Surjio's to use their internet. I skyped with
my mum for a while, which was nice. She's always the one to ask me tons
of questions! Once everyone finally got home from rafting, we headed out
to The Keep for karaoke. I got a mint chocolate milkshake - yum, not as
minty as I'd like, but it was still delicious nonetheless. Only 3
people went up to sing, and it was all for the same song - so they shut
down karaoke early, which was kind of sad! Let's see, once we got home,
I'm pretty sure I just went to bed, seeing as we STILL had no internet.
Sleep is good though, I'm definitely a fan of sleep.
Sunday - June 24th
Finally got to go to church, I was so bummed I missed it last week. But, I wore the dress I bought in Uganda, it's so beautiful (: But service was good, they played a few worship songs that brought me to tears. Hearing songs in Uganda that I sing at home brings an overwhelming peace, because it just makes me feel more at home here, and reinforces that God goes everywhere that I go. I kind of wish that I would have thought to buy a smaller Bible before I came, mine is too big to be carrying around with me. Oh well, maybe when I get home. I still love Calvary church, it's so wonderful. I may be weird, but even at home, when I look around and see people worshiping and praying I want to cry - because it feels amazing to know that I'm surrounding by people that stand for the same things that I do, and that they've devoted their lives to the same wonderful God that I've dedicated my life to.
Sunday - June 24th
Finally got to go to church, I was so bummed I missed it last week. But, I wore the dress I bought in Uganda, it's so beautiful (: But service was good, they played a few worship songs that brought me to tears. Hearing songs in Uganda that I sing at home brings an overwhelming peace, because it just makes me feel more at home here, and reinforces that God goes everywhere that I go. I kind of wish that I would have thought to buy a smaller Bible before I came, mine is too big to be carrying around with me. Oh well, maybe when I get home. I still love Calvary church, it's so wonderful. I may be weird, but even at home, when I look around and see people worshiping and praying I want to cry - because it feels amazing to know that I'm surrounding by people that stand for the same things that I do, and that they've devoted their lives to the same wonderful God that I've dedicated my life to.
(@ Calvary Church)
(@ Jinja - The walk from Calvary Church)
After service all of the volunteers and the Canadians went out for
lunch - we had Chinese. Never would I have thought I'd have Chinese food
in Uganda. Might I add, it was absolutely excellent! Megan and I split
sweet and sour chicken (which really tasted like orange chicken) and
vegetable fried rice. Seriously so good. It's weird though, in order for
me to want Chinese food, and I've been craving it for some reason.
Thank goodness I was able to have it! One thing that I've REALLY been
craving is Subway. I miss it so much.. ha, we've all realized that when
we talk about things we miss at home - it's usually food. I also miss
the convenience of snack food. For example, just going to the fridge and
grabbing a string cheese - ugh. I can handle it though!
(@ Ling Ling's - Sweet and sour chicken)
We were supposed to go to one of the Mama's villages today to see some dances. But of course, it started to downpour when we were out to eat. When it rains here, it really rains. So, a lot of rain makes it almost impossible to drive into a village apparently - I was really bummed about this, but I'm here for 2 more months. I'm bound to go into the villages at some point. We came home and just hung out, because at this point we STILL didn't have internet. I hate feeling like I'm so dependent on internet, but I kind of am. It's the only way I have to communicate with people at home, plus I'm taking an online class while I'm here. Anyway, a few of us watched Monsters Inc. while painting our nails, some of us took naps. It was a very laid back night, which was actually pretty refreshing. Some of the girls made pasta for everyone - it was delicious. I could honestly eat pasta everyday if I were allowed to! The internet was working again, we can always count on Sandra to make things right again (: I skyped with Jeremy for a while, then headed to bed! Again, I always look forward to bedtime, it's so wonderful to me.
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