Tuesday - June 26th
I woke up this morning being extremely exhausted. Like I said last night, Becky and I woke up for Megan's departure at 4.00am. However, I woke up around 3.00am due to the dogs howling and fighting outside - I got out of bed, threw the front door open and yelled at them, ha. They were quiet until I got back in my bed, then they thought now would be a good time to start up again. Becky and I both woke up again later, went outside, to find SIX dogs running around the compound - mind you, Amani only owns two. So these dogs are somehow finding their way through the fencing. Once we were outside with Megan to load up her one bag (I don't know how she did it), there were only our dogs out there again. Mary, who works for Amani had mentioned one of our dogs was in heat.. so maybe that's why we had all the neighbor dogs around. Either way, they need to go - as much as I love dogs. Aside from that, Tina wasn't at preschool again, which is always a "treat". Not so much. I really miss her when she's not here. We watched VeggieTales during our first play time, and naturally, they played my favorite "Silly Songs with Larry" song, I Love My Lips. Definitely sang every word - Becky laughed at me, but there's no way I can listen to that and not sing! Joseph, who's a crazy child has been sitting in my lap the last couple of days. He's so cute, honestly, but he's out of control. During lunch today, I was watching Christopher - he always smiles at me when he eats. And I was reminded yet again, how in love I am with what I'm doing. I couldn't have asked God for a better door for Him to open. Last night was Megan's last night, which meant she was saying goodbye to all of the boys, and she started crying - which almost made me cry. I can't even begin to imagine how broken my heart will be when it comes time for me to say goodbye to those precious boys. Each and every one of them has a distinct personality, and one by one they've won my heart over. One thing that I've discovered about Amani is that, a lot of the children actually have family members - and instead of just adopting the children out, they prefer to try to reconnect them with who they belong with. That's an amazing thing, knowing that these boys and girls have homes they'll hopefully be able to go home to one day. But for the meantime, I'm perfectly content being their family, because I'll probably always consider them mine. I'm just in awe every time I sit down and think about what's actually happening in my life at this very moment. I'm so blessed to know that I have 8 weeks of this left - part of me thinks that's not even enough time. I know for a fact that I'm going to miss my boys every day when I arrive back home. Anyway.. during lunch, one of the Mama's were asking me if I liked the food that they were served today, and I was slightly confused why she was asking me but I said yes - because for some reason I love Ugandan food. Next thing I knew, I was given a spoon and her plate.. so I tried it, said it was good and then was completely confused as to what I was supposed to do next. I asked if they wanted me to finish it, and they said "It's okay." which means yes. I've never seen a Mama give her food away to an Auntie, normally they portion it out to the boys. It was very strange - I'm trying to figure out if it's a good or bad sign, ha. During our long break - I slept almost the whole time. I read a little bit of my Bible at first, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. After break I ended up going to the girls building to help Sandra sort out new clothes, and Grandma Jenny and friends - check this out:

(@ Amani - Twins: Mary and Martha)

(@ Amani - Precious)

(@ Amani - Alima)
Mama Lucy wanted me to tell you that she's very appreciative, and thanks you for making her girls look "smart" - which what they say instead of "looking good." Sandra also thanks you! I'll be trying to shorts on the boys later this week! So stay tuned for those photos. But, for those of you who don't know, Jeremy's grandma and a few of her friends made these dresses out of pillowcases for me to bring to Amani with me, and they also made some drawstring shorts for the boys too! I love them! Bedtime went fairly well though! I read Humpty Dumpty to them, and it had a weird ending. It was a Christian book, that ended with a verse from Luke about nothing being impossible for God. It was good, but I'd never heard that before. Other than that, I started blogging as soon as I got upstairs so that I wouldn't get too tired or anything. I think for the rest of the night I may watch a movie on my laptop, and just read. But at the moment, I need to make some dinner because I'm oh so hungry! Have a good night everyone, I think about you every day! Honestly. (:
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