Well, after battling Surjio's internet to get my blog done.. our internet at Amani got fixed! I've felt so distant from everyone back home - granted, I'm thousands of miles away, but I've had the convenience of internet the whole time I've been here. It makes me kind of sad to realize how much I admire technology. During the last week I was able to dig deeper into the Bible, and focus more on that - which is a very important aspect of why I'm here. I taught preschool this morning! I was a little intimidated, but I think it went well. The children were more behaved than they have been all week - thank You, Jesus. I actually really enjoyed teaching them, and singing songs with them. During play time I gave out the shorts that Grandma Jenny and her friends made. The boys were so excited (: I had just enough for the boys that are in the room that I work with - and I managed to snap a photo:
(@ Amani - Boys C)
(@ Amani - Joseph)
This is Joseph. He's attached to my hip. I don't know what it is, but in
the last week he hasn't left my side. As soon as I come outside, he
runs to me yelling "AUNTIE". He's super territorial as well, whenever
any other child tries climbing on my lap, he throws a tantrum yelling
that I'm "his" auntie. It's wonderful being so loved by one of my boys,
but at the same time - it's probably not good how clingy he's become. I
don't really know what to do about it, slash, don't really want to do
anything about it because I love him so much. Since he's been so
attached, I've been trying to teach him to be nicer by apologizing when
he hurts people and sharing. As soon as I say "ow" now, he rubs my arm
and says "I'm sorry". He's too adorable to not want on my lap all the
time. However, he's su su'ed on me far too many times.. he's not potty
trained yet. But, tonight was Bible study - which ended up being pretty
good. Our topic was spiritual warfare. I didn't have too much to say
about it, because a lot of it was about the Devil challenging you and
whatnot. But, I never really give the Devil credit for any hardship I'm
going through. I always see it more of God challenging me, because in
the end of it all - nothing but good comes of it. I don't think I've
ever blamed anything on the Devil, but after hearing everyone's stories,
I almost felt like I haven't gone through a lot spiritually because I
haven't had this kind of confrontation. However, I've grown so much
spiritually. I've been through things I never wanted to, but I did, and
it's only drawn me closer to God. Even it was the long way around. I'm
so thankful for where I am in life right now, and for the people that
have helped me grow in ways that I wouldn't have without them.
Friday - July 6th
I woke up this morning with every intention of going to volunteer at Spring of Hope, which I think is more of a medical based organization. They have a clinic that's geared more towards the villages, we would have been helping hand out medication for epileptic children and would have been able to see how they take part in physical therapy. But, instead - I woke up with a stomach ache, and felt that it probably wasn't the best idea to go out to the village for the whole day not feeling well. So, I stayed back with only 3 other volunteers to do our normal routine. I went on another outing today to The Source Cafe, I took William with me, which is our oldest boy at Amani. He's so excited to go into town, and thankfully really well behaved. He loved every minute of it (: I worked on some of the photos going on Amani's website, but here's a couple photos I took upstairs by the babies:
(@ Amani - Baby Frieda)

(@ Amani - Sande)
Tonight we went to The Keep for dinner, apparently the first Friday of every month they have traditional dancing. It was really awesome. It amazes me how fast these women can shake their hips - but, I learned that it's not just the women. The men are able to dance just as well! It was too funny, but Jeremy - I now have proof that men can dance, so no more saying you can't! Towards the end, they asked people go up and dance with them - naturally Lauren went up there! She's had quite a few experiences that involve dance, it's pretty awesome. I'm always too afraid, so I always choose to just remain in my seat and do my dancing there. My favorite thing about watching these men and women dance is that you could tell they were all enjoying it! It was absolutely wonderful seeing them all smile while doing what they do best (:
Saturday - July 7th
Today has been such a lazy day - but it was much needed! I started my morning off by watching Marley & Me, bad decision. I cried like a baby. I have no idea what possessed me to watch that of all things. It made me laugh so much though, because my dog does some random things as well! But the ending absolutely tore my heart in two. After that, a few of us took our 2 new volunteers into town to show them around a little bit. It was nice getting to know them outside of Amani. When we got back to the compound, we all kind of did our own thing for a while. I started blogging and messed around on facebook for a while. I heard the kids outside playing, so I decided to check it out from our porch off of our room. I snapped a photo or two of the Mama's blowing bubble for the kids. I love how much kids love the small things in life:

(@ Amani - Mama Georgina blowing bubbles)
Right now, I'm currently rocking a baby with my foot while blogging this post. She's so incredibly beautiful. I think rocking babies to sleep is one of my favorite things now, it's so cute! But, for the rest of the night, I may spend some time with my Bible. We're also planning on going into town to get rolex, and maybe watch a movie back at Amani. For the time being, I'm going to continue to enjoy my day off, and lay in bed for a little bit! (: Thank the Lord for Saturdays! Looking forward to tomorrow, I think we're trying out a new church and getting Chinese for lunch! Yum.
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