Wow, July 19th?! That is so unreal, time seriously flies here in Uganda. Sometimes it seems as if it's at a standstill, however, for the most part, I can't even begin to believe I've already been on this trip for 44 days. I honestly feel like I've only been away from home for a couple of weeks. Anyway, this morning was good. I taught preschool, which is always interesting. The children were doing well until it came time to do craft - then they decided they didn't want to listen. But, we've been teaching them Jesus' story of The Farmer's Seeds, so today we made the birds that ate the seeds off the pathway, they actually turned out quite cute. Becky works with the "Monkeys", our 2 year olds, and they made rainbows today for an easy craft, seeing as they don't get to do many very often. But, Becky and I hung up all of the crafts we've done so far this week, and they are beyond wonderful in my eyes. I've been thinking about the work I've been doing during preschool, and I think I really enjoy working with kids, especially when it involves something art related - so the idea of doing Art Education has been in my mind, but I'll continue to pray about it, and see where I feel led.
(@ Amani - Preschool)
(@ Amani - Rainbows and Birds)
(@ Amani - Flowers and "Good Seeds")
During my 1 on 1, I spent some time with Joseph. That child is out of
control, he's exactly what I would imagine a little boy to be. Crazy,
loud, and uncontrollable. We watched part of How To Train Your Dragon,
however, Joseph didn't pay much attention to it. But, Marissa, Jeremy's
younger sister made a pad of paper for me to bring to Amani, to have the
children draw in it - so that I'll never forget them. So, I've been
having my boys draw in it during our 1:1's. Joseph just kind of made
marks on it, but that's okay - what can you expect? But, we also played
around on my laptop for a little bit on PhotoBooth, and here's a few
examples of what we did:

(@ Amani - Joseph and I)

(@ Amani - Joseph and I)

(@ Amani - Joseph in a nutshell)

(@ Amani - Joseph and I)

(@ Amani - Joseph and I)
I also took video of him, just to remember how out of control this boy is. One minute he'll be quiet, and the next he's jerking his body back and forth making weird noises. I'll never get enough of him.. however, I could live without him pushing other kids away from me whenever they even glance in my direction. But, I love being loved by him. That last photo melts me heart more than I can even express. At Bible Study tonight, Sandra made us this delicious pasta - it was bacon and mushroom, two things I despise, but it was surprisingly good! Anyway, it was a pretty great session, we talked about having standards as Christians, for our personal lives and for our careers. It was interesting to hear everyone's opinion on this topic. Also, could you please pray for one of our volunteers? Her mother is currently battling cancer, and our volunteer is torn between continuing her time in Uganda or heading home early. She's in desperate need of God's comfort, and her mum is in need of His healing hands. I would strongly appreciate you keeping her family in your thoughts, her name is Tori - I know it would mean a lot to her as well. Sandra also made a FABULOUS giant cookie, that we all just dug into with spoons - it was filled with gooey chocolate. AH-mazing. I don't get chocolate like I do back home, so it was wonderful. Once I got back to Amani though, I saw that Liz Klein was on skype, so I HAD to make that phone call! It was awesome chatting with her, telling her about how I've been growing, and what I'm hoping to bring home with me after all of this is done. I also had the chance to chat with her mum and brother - and seriously, where did my little Evster go?! He opened his mouth and I thought I was talking to a 20 year old! UGH! Not okay - just saying (: Slowly, very slowly, I'm getting more and more excited to come home. There's small things I'm beginning to really miss, for example, waking up to Yoshi's nose in my face, or to find him laying on my tummy. Or simply just waking up in my house, walking to the kitchen to find something to eat. I'm just missing the idea of being home, I think. And people, obviously. But, I'm trying not to dwell on that idea of home too much - I don't want to miss any opportunities I may have here, or miss any important moments that God has planned for me. This is an amazing experience, and I have my whole life to be "at home", so I'm trying to keep my focus on the now. Please start praying for God to bring comfort to my heart, because as I've already said multiple times - the sadness is slowly starting to sink in when it comes to me only having a month left here to serve Him and His children.
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