Wednesday - August 1st
Annnnd it's August - no way. My internet has still been out. So in addition to not being able to Skype anyone, I haven't really had the time or money to keep paying to go into town for internet to blog either. So, I've been off the map for a while. Also.. my camera has been dead - which means no photos as of late.
Thursday - August 2nd
Again, nada. I'm sorry.
Friday - August 3rd
The Olympics have a big thing recently, especially gymnastics. I've never really been a fan of the summer olympics. I prefer the winter ones, but, gymnastics was somewhat neat. On our outing today we went to The Keep, and they had the double diving. Every time they dove in, Jacob yelled "SPLASH!" These boys were crazy today, I don't know what it is but they were rowdy.

(@ Amani - Jacob)

(@ The Keep - Jacob)
Saturday - August 4th
Well, I'm sick again. For the third time, how fun. Everyone went to Katie Davis' ministry today, unfortunately, I choose to stay back - purely because I didn't want to be really uncomfortable for a few hours. So, I'm quite bummed about that. I pretty much stayed in bed all day. A lot of The Office.. naturally. We did go out to eat at Skewers for Josie's last meal though, which ended up being really nice. I love Skewers - but I couldn't believe that Josie had already been here for a month! After Josie, all of our volunteers are leaving one by one. I can't believe it.
Sunday - August 5th
Becky, Lauren, Emily, and myself went to Mama Josephine's church this morning. It's a Baptist church in Jinja, that is circular. It's actually really cute. Honestly, I had a hard time following the Pastor - so I spent some alone time with my Bible, highlighting some verses. After service, they served us tea and cookies - it was so sweet. Every one was so welcoming, I really enjoyed it. The other three volunteers had brought kids to church, and they were all looking very "smart."
Monday - August 6thWe started our new outing schedule today, seeing as only 3 of us can go on outings now. So Becky and I went to Surjio's. I got to take Joseph today! I'm thankful I was able to bring him at least once since I've been here, especially before I go home! He definitely enjoyed his ice cream though, and he even let Auntie Laura have a couple of bites.
Well, I'm sick again. For the third time, how fun. Everyone went to Katie Davis' ministry today, unfortunately, I choose to stay back - purely because I didn't want to be really uncomfortable for a few hours. So, I'm quite bummed about that. I pretty much stayed in bed all day. A lot of The Office.. naturally. We did go out to eat at Skewers for Josie's last meal though, which ended up being really nice. I love Skewers - but I couldn't believe that Josie had already been here for a month! After Josie, all of our volunteers are leaving one by one. I can't believe it.
Sunday - August 5th
Becky, Lauren, Emily, and myself went to Mama Josephine's church this morning. It's a Baptist church in Jinja, that is circular. It's actually really cute. Honestly, I had a hard time following the Pastor - so I spent some alone time with my Bible, highlighting some verses. After service, they served us tea and cookies - it was so sweet. Every one was so welcoming, I really enjoyed it. The other three volunteers had brought kids to church, and they were all looking very "smart."
Monday - August 6thWe started our new outing schedule today, seeing as only 3 of us can go on outings now. So Becky and I went to Surjio's. I got to take Joseph today! I'm thankful I was able to bring him at least once since I've been here, especially before I go home! He definitely enjoyed his ice cream though, and he even let Auntie Laura have a couple of bites.

(@ Surjio's - Joseph)
(@ Surjio's - Joseph)

(@ Surjio's - Joseph)
Tuesday - August 7th
My favorite part of the day was my 1:1 with Jacob, Becky, and Jonah. Becky and I had made a picnic area outside, and then when we went to grab the boys, it began to rain. Which was super sad - because we were so excited! Anyway, we moved everything upstairs. But, we watched Finding Nemo, and colored. Jacob and Jonah got really into the movie, Jonah was yelling at the shark and pointing his fingers at my laptop. Here's a look at the drawing Jacob and I worked on during the movie:
My favorite part of the day was my 1:1 with Jacob, Becky, and Jonah. Becky and I had made a picnic area outside, and then when we went to grab the boys, it began to rain. Which was super sad - because we were so excited! Anyway, we moved everything upstairs. But, we watched Finding Nemo, and colored. Jacob and Jonah got really into the movie, Jonah was yelling at the shark and pointing his fingers at my laptop. Here's a look at the drawing Jacob and I worked on during the movie:
(@ Amani )
(@ Amani)
Then I went outside to play with the boys, and they thought it was a good idea to do my hair - so by the end of the day I had homemade dreads:
(@ Amani - Courtesy of William and Jacob)
(@ Amani - Finished result)
Wednesday - August 8th
I guess I didn't take any photos today, but it was just another day at Amani. Two weeks until I come home..
Thursday - August 9th
My boys are BALD - this made me forget about the small amount of time I have left. I walked downstairs to Joseph getting his head buzzed. It was a little heartbreaking, I'm not going to lie. But, here's a little sneak peak at all the of bald boys we have running around now. They looked so strange to me at first, but the baldness is slowing starting to grow on me.

(@ Amani - Joseph)

(@ Amani - Innocent)

(@ Amani - Malachi)

(@ Amani - Edwin)

(@ Amani - Fred)

(@ Amani - Innocent)

(@ Amani - Michael)

(@ Canan - Maria, Myself, and Jess (I think))

(@ Canan - Jess)

(@ Canan - Example of the bedrooms)

(@ Canan)

(@ Canan - Jump-roping)

(@ Canan - Becky with children)

(@ Canan - Lauren and Sarah)

(@ Canan)
I guess I didn't take any photos today, but it was just another day at Amani. Two weeks until I come home..
Thursday - August 9th
My boys are BALD - this made me forget about the small amount of time I have left. I walked downstairs to Joseph getting his head buzzed. It was a little heartbreaking, I'm not going to lie. But, here's a little sneak peak at all the of bald boys we have running around now. They looked so strange to me at first, but the baldness is slowing starting to grow on me.
(@ Amani - Joseph)
(@ Amani - Innocent)
(@ Amani - Malachi)
(@ Amani - Edwin)
Bible study was really laid back tonight - it was more of a casual
discussion. But, I found a lot of closure in this meeting, because I've
been thinking a lot about if I'll be remembered or if I'll be missed
while I'm gone. It was really nice hearing what other people have
experienced during their time here at Amani.
Friday - August 10th
Not much happened today. I shortly hung out with the boys during the afternoon because they needed help in the Baby Room upstairs, so here's a few of the photos I managed to capture before I headed inside:
Friday - August 10th
Not much happened today. I shortly hung out with the boys during the afternoon because they needed help in the Baby Room upstairs, so here's a few of the photos I managed to capture before I headed inside:

(@ Amani - Fred)

(@ Amani - Innocent)

(@ Amani - Michael)
We did nothing tonight, we made some pasta and watched movies/shows on
our laptops. A few of us were trying to think of things we'd like to do
before we leave, and I'm honestly fine with not cramming a million
things in at the last minute. I'm so comfortable and content hanging
around Amani, because it's really grown on me as "home." I was telling
my mum the other day that sometimes I find myself feeling more at home
here in Uganda, than I feel in Wisconsin. I don't know what it is about
waking up to babies crying and children singing, riding a boda into town
for lunch or to grocery shop, walking along red dirt filled roads,
coming in Amani's gates only to be greeted by dozens of little smiling
faces - it all just feels so natural. I never once experienced extreme
homesickness, granted, I miss people from home, and things from home -
but not so much home in itself.. if you understand what I mean. It's so
weird to think that in 10 days, my entire life is going to uprooted once
again, and now I'm going to have to transition back to what I grew up
with - and what's even weirder is that I think that's going to be more
difficult for me than it was adjusting to a third world country. I feel
so overwhelmed when I try to think of how to wrap up my trip in words - I
don't know if it's possible. And I'm not even certain the thousands of
photographs that I've taken will even give this trip justice. This trip
has honestly changed my life - I've never felt this close to God before,
I've learned so many things that I'll be able to apply to the rest of
my life. I've realized that I idolize more than I should, and this trip
has helped me see what friendships are real - and it's helped me value
and appreciate the people that do care about me more. After all of this,
I knew it before, but I've seen first hand just how blessed I am. Being
in Africa, and interacting with the children and staff has only
strengthened that blessing - because regardless of what I look like,
they'll always welcome me with open arms and love me for everything that
I've invested into this trip.
Saturday - August 11th
I woke up after 10 this morning, and started my morning with a little Dunder Mifflin. I told Becky that I couldn't believe that I've watched 6 seasons of a TV show since being in Africa - I don't even watch the much TV in the States.. it just doesn't really add up in my head. However, it's nice to have after a long day of work. The longer I'm here, I realized that I'm getting more and more tired everyday. Those kids definitely wear me down - at first, I was thinking "I don't know if I'll ever be cut out for being a parent," then I had to remind myself that no parent would ever have 25 boys. Thank the Lord. Anyway, Lauren made banana bread, which ended up being pretty amazing. I forgot how much I loved it, especially when it's still hot. But, after a while we all got ready to head out for Canan, which is another orphanage about 25 minutes away. We met up with Pastor Isaac when we got there, who happens to be one of the most humble people I've ever met. He said that he's never seen himself as a "boss", he just sees himself as a servant of God. Which amazes me because he started Canan, and they've come so far because of him. He said a lot of really sweet things to the three of us, which definitely made my eyes water. It's so wonderful knowing that Ugandans appreciate our work here. He said that he knows what America is like, and knowing that we left all of that to come to a third world country makes him feel so "small." And that we should all be called Mama's because we're so respectable. He also made mention that he always prays for us volunteers in Africa to find partners that will never hold us back from answering to God's call, but to push us forward and encourage us to do what our hearts tell us. Yes, Pastor Isaac is one of the sweetest men I've ever met. But after some time chatting, we were finally able to go outside to play with the kids. Becky and Lauren had been to Canan before, so they had familiar faces to greet - whereas I didn't. Thankfully, the children here never leave you empty handed. There's always at least one that finds their hand resting perfectly in yours. I had one boy following me around for a while, I had a hard time figuring out his name, but he showed me around their rooms - which is where they sleep, do homework, and eat. We just had a lot of fun laughing and goofing around with all of the children. Canan currently houses 120 children, ranging from the ages of 3-18, and after they reach 18, they still try to support their education. It's a great ministry, and I only pray that I'll be able to visit them again, either before I leave this month or.. sometime in my future. My heart is continuously filled with God's love over and over again, and He's given me such love for His children, and a desire to take care of His orphans. There hasn't been a single moment since being here that has made me question that this is what God has planned for my life all along. Which is why my heart breaks so much, when I think about the fact I have to come home. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond excited to see all of you again, it's just that my heart has been exposed to people who need me more. I really am so blessed - that's the thought that always seems to cross my mind when I think about things like this. But here's some photos of our time at Canan:
Saturday - August 11th
I woke up after 10 this morning, and started my morning with a little Dunder Mifflin. I told Becky that I couldn't believe that I've watched 6 seasons of a TV show since being in Africa - I don't even watch the much TV in the States.. it just doesn't really add up in my head. However, it's nice to have after a long day of work. The longer I'm here, I realized that I'm getting more and more tired everyday. Those kids definitely wear me down - at first, I was thinking "I don't know if I'll ever be cut out for being a parent," then I had to remind myself that no parent would ever have 25 boys. Thank the Lord. Anyway, Lauren made banana bread, which ended up being pretty amazing. I forgot how much I loved it, especially when it's still hot. But, after a while we all got ready to head out for Canan, which is another orphanage about 25 minutes away. We met up with Pastor Isaac when we got there, who happens to be one of the most humble people I've ever met. He said that he's never seen himself as a "boss", he just sees himself as a servant of God. Which amazes me because he started Canan, and they've come so far because of him. He said a lot of really sweet things to the three of us, which definitely made my eyes water. It's so wonderful knowing that Ugandans appreciate our work here. He said that he knows what America is like, and knowing that we left all of that to come to a third world country makes him feel so "small." And that we should all be called Mama's because we're so respectable. He also made mention that he always prays for us volunteers in Africa to find partners that will never hold us back from answering to God's call, but to push us forward and encourage us to do what our hearts tell us. Yes, Pastor Isaac is one of the sweetest men I've ever met. But after some time chatting, we were finally able to go outside to play with the kids. Becky and Lauren had been to Canan before, so they had familiar faces to greet - whereas I didn't. Thankfully, the children here never leave you empty handed. There's always at least one that finds their hand resting perfectly in yours. I had one boy following me around for a while, I had a hard time figuring out his name, but he showed me around their rooms - which is where they sleep, do homework, and eat. We just had a lot of fun laughing and goofing around with all of the children. Canan currently houses 120 children, ranging from the ages of 3-18, and after they reach 18, they still try to support their education. It's a great ministry, and I only pray that I'll be able to visit them again, either before I leave this month or.. sometime in my future. My heart is continuously filled with God's love over and over again, and He's given me such love for His children, and a desire to take care of His orphans. There hasn't been a single moment since being here that has made me question that this is what God has planned for my life all along. Which is why my heart breaks so much, when I think about the fact I have to come home. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond excited to see all of you again, it's just that my heart has been exposed to people who need me more. I really am so blessed - that's the thought that always seems to cross my mind when I think about things like this. But here's some photos of our time at Canan:
(@ Canan - Maria, Myself, and Jess (I think))
(@ Canan - Jess)
(@ Canan - Example of the bedrooms)
(@ Canan)
(@ Canan - Jump-roping)
(@ Canan - Becky with children)
(@ Canan - Lauren and Sarah)
(@ Canan)
It's currently 9:48 in the evening, Lauren, Becky, and myself are at Surjio's. While waiting for these photos to upload I was able to skype with my dog, Yoshi. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love my dog - I'm unbelievably excited to see him in a week and a half! I also have a couple of photo shoots to look forward to when I'm home, which is also very exciting. Anyway, I'm going to head out now - I'm feeling kind of sleepy. I love the feeling of wanting to just curl up in your bed after a long day. Thank you all for making it all the way down to this point of my blog post - I apologize it's so long. I'm not sure if we'll be getting the internet back before we leave, so I probably still won't be able to post every day like I used to. But, thank you for keeping me in your prayers - it means so much to me. Please also continue to pray for the children of Amani, and the Mama's who spend their days taking care of these beautiful children. Most specifically, please pray for patience and energy. As you can imagine, it's a very tiring position. Have a great day / night!
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