I was finally able to take my little Enoch on an outing. He's been known to cry and scream the entire time, and I thought maybe this time it'd be different. However, as soon as he realized that we had left the Amani gates he began to cry and cry! He was really good on the boda though, which kind of surprised me. But when we got off the boda and arrived at our destination - he started right up again. Then he proceeded to su su on me.. once our sweetie got there, and I started sharing with him he began to laugh and giggle. So, in the end - I think it went quite well.

(@ The Keep - Lauren and Fred)

(@ The Keep - Enoch and myself)
(@ The Keep - Enoch and myself)
Our last Bible study was a good one. Charlie made lasagna, and we talked about processing our trip once we're finally home. It was kind of neat to realize that God brings us understanding at different stages of our life. For example, I already have some kind of understanding of why God brought me to Uganda - Amani more specifically.
Friday - August 17
I think today was a normal day at Amani. It's really beginning to sink in that this are a few of my last days in Uganda and with these amazing children. Today marked the last day of my final full week here. It's so crazy to think about. During our afternoon break I did a photoshoot with Sandra, she's so absolutely beautiful, and has a heart for God I can only pray for. I'm so thankful God brought her into my life - she's someone I plan on keeping for a while:
(@ Jinja - Sandra)
(@ Jinja - Sandra)
(@ Jinja - Sandra)
(@ Jinja - Sandra)
This afternoon we visited Ekisa with Charlie. It's the special needs home that I visited at the beginning of July. I had a lot more interaction with the children this time - they are beyond sweet. I can't even handle it.
(@ Ekisa)
(@ Ekisa)
(@ Ekisa)
(@ Ekisa)
(@ Ekisa)
(@ Ekisa)
Sandra, Lauren, Becky, and I brought over breakfast for dinner. It was
pretty darn good. We ended up watching a movie, played some games, and
just had a lot of laughs. I love the most recent people God's placed in
my life!
Saturday - August 18th
I'm pretty sure we woke up around 9am? But, we made some breakfast and headed to Hotel Paradise to use the pool. This is the first time I've been near a pool since being here. I didn't swim - obviously, I'm not a fan. But I definitely didn't mind soaking up the sun while being there. It was so relaxing to sit around with the girls and just enjoy the down time together.
Saturday - August 18th
I'm pretty sure we woke up around 9am? But, we made some breakfast and headed to Hotel Paradise to use the pool. This is the first time I've been near a pool since being here. I didn't swim - obviously, I'm not a fan. But I definitely didn't mind soaking up the sun while being there. It was so relaxing to sit around with the girls and just enjoy the down time together.
(@ Hotel Paradise - Lauren, Myself, and Becky)

(@ Hotel Paradise - Helene)

(@ Hotel Paradise)

(@ Helene's - Helene and Becky)
(@ Helene's - Helene and Lauren)
After the pool we walked back to Helene's house to have grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch! We then watched another movie, during which Helene did Becky and Lauren's hair. AND! We have our internet back, after three weeks.. also, with only having 3 days left here. Funny how that works out. Anyway, it was an incredible last two days, and I can't imagine a better day to spend our last weekend in Uganda. Tomorrow is a busy day - church, more photoshoots for 4, and dinner. Tomorrow is also the last day I'll see this shift of Mama's. That's so weird to me, I feel like I've only been working with them for the last few weeks - definitely not for the last 2 and a half months. I will for sure miss them, and continue to pray for them in their walks with God, and thank them for the wonderful work their doing with His precious children. They are such a blessing to those around them. Now, I think I'm going to coat myself with aloe vera and watch a movie. Goodnight!